Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to work any more. It's not that I hate my job, I just don't want to get up and go there every day. I think that's common with guys our age; we're done. I just want to ride motorcycles. My wife doesn't understand this."

~ E.P. 09/08/2008

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Okay, THIS must be the final ride of the season...

 November 9 and the temps touched 58 degrees. Un-believe-able. Nothing for it, I had to get out for a quick spin. No one was available to ride with that afternoon, so I decided to do a loop around the north-east part of the county where we used to live a couple houses ago. It wasn't a pretty day; bright enough but full overcast, which made things look a bit dreary at times. Any leaves that were still clinging to trees were long past their brilliant yellows and reds and oranges and now were pretty much brown and crispy looking.

But it was warm and I was riding! I was running along some twisty roads by a large reservoir, not a car in sight, and thinking about riding again. I've wanted to do this as long as I can remember and all these years later I am still able to ride motorcycles. I do not take that for granted. I had wanted to stop at the top of the lake again in a frequent spot for a quick picture, but there was a car there so I kept going, a bit annoyed.

At one point I just peeled off on a road to the right and rode for many miles, just making random turns at intersections when one direction or the other looked appealing. Put me in mind of many decades ago when one or two of us used to go out for day rides and pick a direction and then just make turns based on where the sun was and dead reckoning. Always made it home.

After 1/2 an hour of just riding with little idea of where I was at the time, I made a turn and immediately realized I was right back at the spot that I had passed by earlier, so this time I stopped.

2 hours and 70 miles from the time I left, I was back home again, a bit sad that this was the end of riding for now. But as always, I was glad to have had the chance to go.

Be safe.

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