Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to work any more. It's not that I hate my job, I just don't want to get up and go there every day. I think that's common with guys our age; we're done. I just want to ride motorcycles. My wife doesn't understand this."

~ E.P. 09/08/2008

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A morning playing in the dirt

Boys were off from school today so I decided it would be a good time to head over to the riding club and get some time in on the trails. Now personally, I could live nicely at this point without dirt riding. It was awesome when I was a kid, but it was also the only game in town when you are a kid. I remember having a poster of a 250cc dual purpose bike on my bedroom wall. I used to look at that when I was a teenager and think man, that bike would take me anywhere I wanted to go; no stopping me.

Now it's my boys with posters up on their walls, though I will admit to having a few up in the garage...

Colin has always been fearless since the first day he started riding on the PW50 at age 5. Scares me constantly while I'm watching him, the way he charges after it. He is interested in tips for improving his technique and follows direction. He wants to be a better rider every time he goes out.

I think it won't be too many more years before he is outrunning me.

Ian hasn't had benefit of all the years of riding. He's more cautious by nature and tends to be tensing up and over-controlling the bike on the trails right now, which gets him into trouble more often than we'd all like. He is doing very well on the open areas where picking a line isn't so important and he too is working hard on technique.

Something that I've noticed over the years is that neither of my boys have the deep attachment for  motorcycles that I have. Once we are home again, they go off and I am left to unload and put everything away. They do not lavish attention on their bikes and indeed treat them as another piece of their lives; an appliance. I am saddened sometimes that we have made their lives so rich with experiences that many extraordinary things are taken for granted. Conversely, to this day I cannot walk through my garage without looking at, speaking to, sitting on or polishing one of my bikes. Perhaps I am the one with the problem. Oh well.... after I post this, I'm going to walk around my desk and sit on my office-gixxer for a while and consider this issue some more.

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