Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to work any more. It's not that I hate my job, I just don't want to get up and go there every day. I think that's common with guys our age; we're done. I just want to ride motorcycles. My wife doesn't understand this."

~ E.P. 09/08/2008

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Autumn Rides

Due to several weeks of dryness in this part of the country, leaves have begun to change on many trees a little earlier than is normal. With days warming into the high 60's or better at this time of year, it does make for some spectacular riding in the higher elevations. 7 of us made a run out to Cooperstown this past weekend and it was a great trip. Some excellent roads of every type you'd want to ride, blasting through the mountains, fantastic scenery. We stopped outside town to visit Doug's buddy who runs a cycle dealership, who has a building across the street, and in that building are some sweet premium condition semi-vintage bikes. After that we grabbed lunch and then took another route back. 234 miles for me and not a single ache. Back in time for my son's baseball game. A great day all around.

Every now and then I head out on my own for a quick solo ride. Often this occurs after 1PM weekdays as I wait for the temperature to come up and then take a late lunch break. I always feel kinda decadent doing this as it's like being independently wealthy or something; most people back at work, slave to the grind, and me out riding. It's a great freedom.

I was out a week or so back, just making boxes, trying to find some new routes to incorporate into our weekend rides, and ended up on the west and north sides of the Tomhannock Reservoir.

There are several interesting roads in that area and you have to know your way around just a little bit as all the roads are labeled County Road ## and they all sort of blend after awhile. If there is no traffic to contend with, Reservoir Rd (County Road something or other) can be a very entertaining rip.

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