Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to work any more. It's not that I hate my job, I just don't want to get up and go there every day. I think that's common with guys our age; we're done. I just want to ride motorcycles. My wife doesn't understand this."

~ E.P. 09/08/2008

Friday, May 24, 2024

Kawasaki Z900RS Cafe Part 2 : Best Laid Plans...

 As I said in the last entry, I purchased this bike in mid-March even though I could not go get it for another 3 weeks. I was worried that it the longer I waited the less likely it would be there. Turned out that was a very good call as When I arrived on 3-April to pick up the bike, my Ace Sales Guy Brandon told me that the following weekend a couple days later, people came in 2 different times looking for that bike. But, it had a deposit on it now, so Ah Hah Hah Hah Ha!

I had lined up a U-Haul trailer that I would pick up on 4-2-24 and a hotel room to spend that night. As the day approached, in typical fashion known to all motorcyclists, it became apparent that the weather would NOT be cooperating. 

From NOAA : “A spring storm brought rain, heavy snow, damaging winds and thunderstorms across much of the Great Lakes on April 2, knocking out power to over 100,000 people across the region during the height of the storm.”

With all paperwork ducks in a row, I headed off on a 370 mile trek, mostly in pouring rain. The next morning I checked out, collected the U-Haul trailer and was waiting at the door of Roundhouse Powersports when they opened. I know people hate starting their day that way, but hey, I've got a 45 minute break forecast in the rain and I'm on a schedule.

Got the paperwork done and while I was looking at my watch and waiting for everything to be ready for me to take the bike, I wandered over to the Roundhouse Harley Davidson side of this huge dealership and bought a tee shirt, 'cause that's what we do.

By 11:20 I was loaded and ready to hit the road, just as it started to sprinkle...

I then drove home 7 hours in the rain. At one point in the Poconos it was raining sideways and everyone was crawling along at 35mph with flashers on. Road spray from passing trucks was blinding and you had to slow to let them make space.

As I got within 30 miles of home I started to see trucks out salting the NYS Thruway, which I avoided like the plague, and were also ominous as to the expectations with the temps dropping. I got home in a well-timed break in the rain and got the bike into the garage.

Within a few hours the rain had turned and had the storm been like this the entire drive home I am not sure if I'd have pressed on or parked for the night, but I've have been angry to move my new bike in snow and road salt. And so it goes.

A couple days later the snow was gone and it was time to get the bike washed and wait for warmer days.

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