Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to work any more. It's not that I hate my job, I just don't want to get up and go there every day. I think that's common with guys our age; we're done. I just want to ride motorcycles. My wife doesn't understand this."

~ E.P. 09/08/2008

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Another Ride, Another NDE

Last Sunday was a pretty nice summer day - the humidity broke for a change and it was sunny throughout. Decided to take a quick spin so I went out for a 50 mile loop. Figure 8 actually. There are some  slow areas through a few towns and many stretches labeled 55mph further out into the countryside, which had very little traffic and can be taken as quickly as you dare. I'm enjoying the new seat addition and it was a nice ride.

I've heard most of my adult life that a large number of accidents occur within 1 mile of where you live. I think that is because people can become complacent due to familiarity. So, I'm about 30 seconds from my house, about to exit a divided highway with 2 lanes in each direction, and I stop at a red light, where I will make a right turn. I'm looking to my left as there is a constant stream of traffic coming and I ended up sitting there for the entire light.

Light turns green for me and I turn my head back to the right and start to let out the clutch when a SUV comes up along side me on the right, on the shoulder area with hash marks on it to tell you to stay in your lane bro, and whips around the corner. Over the years, I've had cars do this while I had my F-150 or Ram, and if I see them in time, I run them clean off the road. Different deal on a bike...

On this map segment, I'm in red and the SUV is in blue

I start saying out-loud to no one in particular "Are you F*ing kidding me?" as I pull the clutch back in and brake, catching the early 20-something's face in his side mirror, who sees what he has done, or was told by a passenger or whatever, and gives me the wave of "Sorry, my bad", which I returned with a different emphasis.

I know that I had checked my directional as I was about to stop to make sure it was on, which is partly trying to get used to having to push 2 different thumb switches and look straight down at the tiny digital directional display to see if it's on. I know that they brilliantly self-cancel after you make a turn and if you travel a long distance, but I check as I'm stopping. I am not aware these are on any timer if I'm sitting still, and I'm not 100% positive it was still flashing as I sat there, though I do check that... I suppose it could have gone off just as I came to a stop, which sort of makes this my mistake.

Bottom line is, ALWAYS check everything ALWAYS

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